Developing An Employee Wellness Program Your Employees Will Actually Enjoy

Posted on: 6 July 2016

If one of your goals as a business owner or manager is to ensure that you have a happy and healthy workforce, you may be interested in developing a company employee wellness program. The problem with that is, of course, the issue of getting employees interested in and involved in that wellness program. Oftentimes, the idea of going to seminars about healthy eating, body mass index, and the like is not appealing to many workers. As such, the wellness program only works for a select few people. Get to know some of the ways that you can develop an employee wellness program that your employees will actually want to participate in so that you can achieve your goals for your workforce.

Offer Participation Incentives

Incentives are always a great way to get your employees involved in wellness programs (or any other program at work). If you offer your employees some kind of benefit for participating in your company wellness program, it may be the jump start that many workers need to get on the right health and fitness track.

These incentives do not have to be large and can be virtually anything you think your employees would enjoy. Perhaps they could get a free t-shirt for signing up for the wellness program. You could offer employees discounts on gym memberships (as a bonus on their paycheck every month) if they provide documentation that they are going to the gym a certain number of times each month. Or, you may be able to offer them discounted rates on their company health insurance for meeting certain wellness program participation criteria.

Provide Monthly Fun Exercise Classes

Once a month, you should have a day where wellness program participants can all attend a free exercise class together. These classes should be something fun and unique each time that will get your employees motivated and smiling as they work out.

For example, one month you can offer jazz dance classes, such as at Debbie's Dance Studio, and the next you can offer a cardio kickboxing class. There are a myriad of different types of exercise programs available to try and giving your employees the free opportunity to find something that they enjoy will only further their wellness and commitment to health and fitness. Plus, it will be a great bonding activity for all of the employees who participate in the monthly classes you provide them.

Now that you know a few ways to develop an employee wellness program that your employees will actually enjoy, you can get started and get your employees up and moving in no time.
